Ready, get set, race! On November 4, 8 pm ET, the Emmy-winning reality show The Amazing Race kicks off, for another season of stunts, challenges, and the favorite sport of all: catty bickering. … [Read more...]
Soap star arrested for assault
Hey, Nathaniel Marston—going nuts makes a good story line for daytime TV, but it doesn’t do anything for your career. The One Life to Live star not only assaulted 3 men with a crate, but kicked police and was caught with illegal possession of a weapon. Psychologists who … [Read more...]
Heroes Second Season underway
It's a Monday today and TV-holics all across the land are preparing to watch the newest episode of the second season of Heroes. Just like any TV addict and hardcore comicbook/sci-fi fan, I took to Heroes like Mulder took to sunflower seeds. The first season of Heroes was as … [Read more...]
Welcome to the new Erati!! … [Read more...]