Starz has picked up another new series, this one based on an animated Japanese TV show. Noir follows two female assassins who team up to fight against a secret society in order to find answers about their mysterious pasts. Noir will be produced by Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert, who … [Read more...]
Sam Raimi Producing 3 New Pilots
ABC, CBS, and Fox have ordered three new pilots from Sam Raimi's Stars Road Entertainment. These three new hour-longs represent the first TV commitments from Stars Road, which is looking to expand into all aspects of TV, including cable, now that they've appointed Robert … [Read more...]
Raimi’s Legend of The Seeker to air Nov. 1
Sam Raimi's highly anticipated action adventure series The Legend of The Seeker will air this November 1. But beginning Oct. 27, Disney - ABC Domestic Television began offering an extended 30-minute preview of the series. This can be downloaded for free at iTunes. The … [Read more...]