One of the most intriguing and secretive shows in development is CBS' Person of Interest, from mega producer J.J. Abrams and creator Jonathan Nolan (writer of The Dark Knight). Those two names were virtually all that was known about the show, along with the fact that it's an … [Read more...]
Abrams’ 2 New Shows Get Pilot Orders
CBS is about to go into the J.J. Abrams business for the first time, while Fox will soon be getting its second helping of Abrams-y goodness. As I predicted, CBS has decided that Person of Interest, the crime thriller Abrams is developing with Jonathan Nolan, might just be a … [Read more...]
JJ Abrams Shops 2 New Shows
His new NBC show Undercovers hasn't even premiered yet (that happens September 22nd), but J.J. Abrams isn't content with just two TV shows on the air. (The other, of course, is Fox's Fringe, which is about to debut its 3rd season on September 23rd.) According to, Abrams … [Read more...]