For the first time ever, the winner of The Biggest Loser is a female! Alison Vincent (called Ali) went from 234 lbs. to 122 lbs., losing 47.86 percent of her body weight. She defeated Roger Shultz, who usually got the most votes (he now weighs 199 lbs. from a starting point of … [Read more...]
MTV reality show — battle of the music brats
MTV is launching a singing competition -- this time involving the kids of existing music stars. Judges will include both celebrities and scions of the music industry. Let's see which among the following contestants inherited the "fame gene": • Jesse Money, daughter of Eddie … [Read more...]
Oprah’s reality show a flop
Oprah's reality show The Big Give is getting slammed by critics on print, on air, online -- it's multimedia bashing! Whether her name alone is enough to pull up the fan base, or if goes the way of Martha Stewart's Apprentice we shall have to find out. … [Read more...]
The Race is On!
Ready, get set, race! On November 4, 8 pm ET, the Emmy-winning reality show The Amazing Race kicks off, for another season of stunts, challenges, and the favorite sport of all: catty bickering. … [Read more...]