Original Trilogy character Chewbacca is making his debut on Star Wars: The Clone Wars this April in the show's season finale. The two-part finale caps the show's third season, in episodes titled "Padawan Lost" and "Wookie Hunt." Bringing Chewbacca to the world of animation was … [Read more...]
Liam Neeson Returns to Star Wars
Liam Neeson is lending his voice to a pivotal, 3-episode story arc set to premiere this Friday on Star Wars: The Clone Wars. On Friday's episode, entitled "Overlords," The Clone Wars reaches its approximate mid-point as a series, and Lucasfilm Animation is giving the show a … [Read more...]
Clone Wars Unveils New Character Models
This week's episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a milestone in the series' history, because it introduces brand new CGI character models for Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano. Showrunner Dave Filoni explains that since the show is getting ever-closer to the … [Read more...]
‘Clone Wars’ Imports George Lucas’ Movie Character
Star Wars: The Clone Wars is continuing to explore every last nook and cranny of the Star Wars universe, that there wasn't time to highlight in the films. The latest aspect to fall under the magnifying glass? The blink-and-you'll-miss-it character "Papanoida" that was played in … [Read more...]
New Clone Wars Trailer
As seen at Star Wars Celebration V in Orlando, here is the full-length trailer for Season 3 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Lucasfilm has been teasing that the death toll might get higher this year as the battles get grittier and more desperate, on both sides. Watch for the return … [Read more...]