ABC has announced the mid-season return of V. The alphabet net will pair up the alien invasion saga with No Ordinary Family on Tuesday nights at 9:pm, starting January 4th. NBC, meanwhile, has given full-season orders to three of its new-in-2010 shows. The Event, which is … [Read more...]
Why The Event is a big deal
If AMC's The Walking Dead was the most talked-about new TV show of Comic-Con, then NBC's The Event was undoubtedly the runner up. It's been a long time since NBC had a show that was a hit among genre fans, but The Event looks like it just might change things. The mystery-laden … [Read more...]
Trailers for NBC’s new Fall shows
Earlier today, I told you about the twelve new shows NBC has on tap for the Fall 2010 season. Now NBC has released trailers for all but one of them, and here they are. (Law & Order: Los Angeles has no trailer, as nothing has been filmed yet.) … [Read more...]
NBC orders The Event + 2 more
NBC has picked up three new series for its fall season -- ahead of the much-anticipated "fall upfront" announcements that are coming in a few days. Perhaps most exciting of the three is The Event, a high octane conspiracy thriller starring Jason Ritter (pictured) as an … [Read more...]