Ron Moore, the man behind the critically-acclaimed reimagining of Battlestar Galactica, has landed a pilot order at NBC. Pitched as an "adult Harry Potter," the series is titled 17th Precinct (not District 17, as previously reported). Moore's latest brainchild is set in the … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2011
‘Heroes’ Creator Tim Kring Heads to Fox
The mastermind behind NBC's Heroes has landed a new gig at a rival network. But he's holding firmly to his supernatural roots. Tim Kring has sold Touch, his first pilot since Heroes' cancellation, to Fox. Touch is an unconventional father/son drama about a dad who discovers … [Read more...]
Golden Globe Winners (Yawn)
So, yeah. The Golden Globes were on Sunday night. Then, before I could post the winners, I got sick with the puke-your-guts-out-and-stomp-them-into-the-ground flu. But after thinking about it a bit, I don't really feel like me & thee missed out on all that much. I mean, … [Read more...]
Chuck’s Back – With a Proposal (Almost) to Boot
Everyone's favorite spy is back on TV. After a long winter break, Chuck fans were treated to the 11th episode of the fourth season on January 17. Titled Chuck Versus the Balcony, the episode brought back so many reasons why the series has become a personal favorite. Nerdy Buy … [Read more...]
Glee Reality Show Searches for New Stars
The Glee empire just keeps getting bigger. Now, the song-and-dance high school dramedy is getting its first official spinoff, but it's not what you may expect. The Glee Project, set to air on cable's Oxygen, is a reality show where Glee's casting director searches for new … [Read more...]